Mac For The blind
Mac Basics101
1 year ago

Mac for the Blind Spring 2023 Online Course #1 - Your Mac and VoiceOver, what to know about your computer and its built-in screen reader.

From my experience as an assistive technology trainer who works with both state agency clients and private individuals, the popularity of the Mac has grown significantly among the blind and has become more widely recommended as a computing solution by state counselors. Whether you are a beginner or unfamiliar with a Mac or you have been using one for a while, there are probably aspects to being a Mac and VoiceOver user that you might not realize or have overlooked. This course will cover the following areas: • What are your options for Mac desktop and laptop computer • Why is VoiceOver different compared to Windows screen reading solutions • Why is the Mac and VoiceOver comparable to a PC And Windows screen reader • Mac security and privacy advantages over Windows • The evolution of VoiceOver and dispelling the misinformation on the internet • Getting started with VoiceOver • An overview of Mac features and applications

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